Friday, January 4, 2013

you might be on Whole 30 if you...

  • find yourself questioning what you can eat at each meal... (even though you planned every meal)
  • realize you won't be using gum or mints to cover up your onion you had for breakfast...
  • think constantly about your next meal...
  • wonder how long it will take before you see/feel a difference...

Congratulations, these are all signs that you are on Whole 30.

I've also experienced this "if" today... the unintentional, OMG that's not whole 30 and I just ate it.  Yeah, that's right.  In my sugarless rage I had my go to snack - peanut butter (PB) and 1/2 a banana.  As I was eating this heaven, i realized... peanuts are legumes (as the hartwigs  reminded me in it starts with food).  Legumes are not stamped with the whole 30 approval so they suggest sunflower butter (made from sunflower seeds).  So with the exception of 1/2 TBS of natural pb... i'm still on track ...and I have a bellyache.  I'm not sure if the bellyache is from the PB or knowing I ate the PB. ha!

All I know is now I will never forget that my beloved peanut butter is considered a legume.

Happy Whole 30!


  1. I am so proud of you! Way to stick to your guns :)
    I haven't been perfect but I'm eating a lot healthier and I can already feel the benefits. Not having the sweet cravings like I was! I'm also surprised that some ab definition is starting to peak out. Yay! So glad you got me to give this a try.

  2. I'm glad to have you here and giving me tips on sweet tooth items. :) You rock!
