Sunday, January 6, 2013

Whole 30: Motivation

Hey everyone!
By now it may feel like we've been at this forever... Is it really only day 5? Or is it day 4?  I'm not sure... (I say this jokingly).  Nonetheless, since January 2 we have undoubtedly learned a few things about ourselves.  Here is what I've learned so far:
  • Restaurants seem to be a breeding ground for all things preserved, cheese (delicious cheese), and potatoes.  B.W. (Before whole30), potatoes or rice were generally my go-to items in lieu of gluten.  Not anymore.  
    • My first restaurant experience: I had chicken with lots of veggies... primarily onion.  I walked out of the restaurant, with my hot breath, feeling pretty good that I stuck to it.  
    • My second experience: this time it was MUCH easier since I had confidence that I could choose whole30.  If you've never tried Queen of Sheba, they offer many options for us.  And it is SOOO yummy. :)  Here is a link to their menu:  TIP: If you've never been, ask for no rice or Injera until AW (after whole30).  
  • I need to stock up on items that are quick and easy when I'm feeling a craving coming on, like Larabars (found at Kroger, Meijer, Whole Foods, etc). 
  • I am proud of myself and YOU.  I won't claim to be perfect at all!  Whether we choose to go off whole30 by accident, by choice, or plan it, we can all agree that we are eating much healthier.  And for anyone in my life who is making an effort to improve their health, I will support that.  Kudos to you!!! :)
This week, I encourage each of us to examine our motivations.  When I was working as a health educator, I encouraged each one of my clients to think about why this is important to them to make a change.  Granted your desire to eat just one ___________ (we all have our vice) may outweigh your motivation in that moment... it sure can get you back on track.  Motivations are not, I repeat, are not meant to cause any guilt after "slip ups."  It is to serve as a reminder to why you started on this journey.  Here are some examples of motivations that I have heard over the years:

I want to...
  • be able to tie my shoes easier.
  • be there for my kids/grand kids.
  • improve my cholesterol.
  • be able to achieve "x" activity (fill it in... walking, running, zumba...).
  • buy new clothes. 
Once you identify your motivations, write them down, and put them in a visible/high traffic area.  For me, I may need to have it in the kitchen so I'm reminded why I'm not indulging in ________.  Or maybe in my car since I live so close to Homemade Pie Kitchen...  :)  Either way, I will be reminded why I'm taking this step to better my health.  

Congratulations on conquering the challenge thus far.  You're doing great!

Cheers to discovering your motivations and another week of Whole30!  Feel free to share your motivations with us if you like. :)  I'll post mine to the blog (!



  1. BTW: I had my planned "splurges" today and I can tell you that they didn't taste all that good, and I feel really gross tomorrow. Give me back my whole30 foods, the sooner the better! lol

  2. I understand completely! It's amazing how quickly our body adapts!!:) thanks for sharing SB!

  3. My motivations:
    * feel better
    * learn more about what my body can tolerate
    * be challenged
    * learn more about paleo
    * improve my health
