Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Amanda's Meal Planning + Food Recap

Day 1 was more eventful than I anticipated, and I'm thankful for my stocked up groceries.  It was easy for me to stay on track!!  I had more fruit than they recommend (Less than or equal to 1 serving a day).  I'm used to eating 2-3 servings of fruit a day.  Cuties are my absolute FAVORITE. 

 I think each of our recaps would look differently. I'm not sending this via email because I don't want to inundate your email with my food log.  Ha! :)  I'm writing out the Day 1 Recap as an example.  I do not to intend to share my food log on daily basis or my weekly meal plans. I am always happy to help teach how to create one though! :)  And eventually, I'd like to have a recipe tab on the blog for us to use. Here is a recap from today:

Day 1: Food Recap
Meal 1

  • 2-3 Boiled Eggs 
  • 1 Banana 
  • 1/2 Avocado 
  • Coffee (no sugar/creamer etc.)

Meal 2: Salad

  • Mixed lettuce
  • Ham
  • Olives
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil + balsamic vinaigrette
  • Topped with Italian seasoning
  • 2 Cuties

Meal 3: Shrimp Wraps

  • 2-3 Boiled Shrimp/Wrap 
  • Romaine Lettuce (2 large)
  • Celery "Noodles" (used potato peeler on celery)
  • Shredded Carrots 
Not on Wrap:
  • 1 cutie toasted with Sauce (I peel it and stick them in the toaster oven for about 3/4 cycle)
  • Olives

Shrimp Wrap Sauce:
I made this up so I'm not sure of the exact amounts, but I will generalize...  

  • Olive Oil (3 TBS)
  • Balsamic Vinaigrette (3 TBS)
  • Unsweetened coconut flakes (2 TBS)
  • Arrowroot (1 TSP)
  • Crushed red peppers (1/2 TSP)
  • Ginger (Dash)
  • Onion Powder (Dash)
  • Garlic Powder (Dash)

Meal Planning***
This is how I personally Plan out my meals to create a grocery list.  I use the old fashioned paper and pen method.  I cannot figure out how to add a table to the blog so here goes a lot of written details.  

I create 8 columns and 4 rows (or 4 columns and 8 rows either way).  

Skipping the first column on row 1, I write out the days of the week across the top in row one columns 2-8 (starting with grocery day).  

Saturday Sunday   Monday   Tuesday  Wednesday....

On the first column second row, I label it after the meal.  Since this is new, I also add Protein, Fat, Veggie, Fruit so I make sure I'm getting everything I need.

Meal 1

Meal 2


Meal 3


It looks something like this:
Meal 1
             Protein: Eggs + Salmon
             Fat:  Avocados 
             Veggie: Red Onions, Broccoli 
             Fruit: None

View a template here.  Happy Meal Planning!!!!!! :)

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