Sunday, January 20, 2013

Whole30: Dinner Meals Snapshot and Using Cravings to your Benefit

Hey everyone!
Thank you for taking time to fill out the survey!  If you haven't done so yet, please take 5 minutes and take it. :)  Click here!

This week, I will map out our dinner plans to give you guys some ideas.  I feel like the excitement towards creating new foods has worn off and I am realizing this is why it's so difficult for me to change.  I like to have my staples... and I haven't found that yet with Whole30.  Mainly because my favorites might be slightly unhealthier than others OR it's out of my budget.  So... here are my...

dinner meals in a snapshot!

Notes: Coconut amino acids are in with the soy sauce
 at Whole Foods, I used olive oil, and I didn't use sesame seeds. 

Monday - Hamburger Salad
Notes: This is basically everything you would find on a hamburger on a salad.  

Tuesday - Sweet Potato Hash
Notes: I will post the recipe I use once I test it out.  There aren't directions in the book... 

Thursday - Leftovers (yay!)

Friday - Beef Soup
Notes: I will use beef broth, sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, beef cubes, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Saturday - Crab Stuffed Salmon

I hope this helps add some variety to your meals.  I noticed this week is saturated with beef... last week was chicken week.  Ha! :)  Next week may be more balanced...

Using Cravings to your Benefit
Once I started writing about this topic, I realized that it is extremely in depth on defining cravings, why it effects us, and how we can use them to our benefit.  Instead of compromising content for length purposes, I'm going to make it a 3 part series.  With each email I will provide an application piece to learn more about yourself.  Before we begin, I am going to start the week off with the first application component: tracking cravings.  Here is an example:

8:48 pm
homechocolateSignificant Otherhungryanxious for work

It's important to track each of these components in order to create a plan for long term success and apply what I will discuss in future emails to yourself.  I created this template to help track cravings. Feel free to use! :)  

Cheers to another week of whole30!! :)


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