Beginning the Journey

I created this blog to serve as a forum for a group of friends and family who were interested in whole30 and learning more about healthy nutrition habits. You'll notice that whole30 emphasizes 100% no cheats for 30 days. I get it if you're not interested in that type of commitment... know when you're ready, that it can be life changing! With that said, the folks included on the email/blog each week could be described by any of these statements: 

  • participating to receive encouragement/education weekly
  • participating in whole30 80% of the time
  • participating in whole30 100% of the time; no (intentional) cheats for 30 days.  I say intentional because the "avoid" list is very complex and we forget sometimes. :)  
Next Steps
  1. Check out this google doc to give you more on the whole 30 concept interpreted by me -- feel free to print this out. 
  2. Decide which group you identify with the most.  I suggest going with the confidence factor.  Over the next 30 days, what are you most confident that you can achieve (education, whole30 80/20, or whole30 100%)?  I won't disclose to the group what you choose. :)
  3. Pick a date that you want to make this happen; starting on _______ I will achieve _____.  For example, we're doing whole 30 from jan 2-feb 2 or it could be to read the emails on Tuesdays.
  4. Take this quick survey so I can help you on your journey.  
  5. Have fun! :)  This is definitely not meant to torture anyone. :)  I promise the cravings will be easier to tame in week 2!  
How to read the blog...
Start reading the blog here.  The journey continues...

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