Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Whole 30: Let the Challenge Begin!

Happy New Year!!

If you're like me, you have been going out of your way to get in the foods that are on the "avoid" list during our challenge.  I'll admit in the last 72 hours I made a point to eat/drink the following even if it's not a part of my normal intake:
  • Alcohol: Wine
  • Grains: Rice, Gluten Free tortillas
  • Dairy: Strawberry Milk, Cheese
  • Junk Foods: Gluten Free Sugar Cookies, Gluten Free Pizza, Chips, Gluten Free Brownies
Oh, my!  I forgot my favorite... ICE CREAM!  I now realize why the book, It Starts with Food, encourages everyone to START NOW!  It leaves less time to binge eat! :)  Nonetheless, here we are!  The eggs are boiling on the stove as I type this and my day set aside to prepare meals escaped me. The good news: the fridge is stocked with all the necessities for the first week.
  • Meat: chicken, tuna fish (canned), salmon, shrimp, pork, chicken stock, grass fed steaks, free range eggs
  • Veggies: spinach, onions, carrots, asparagus, sweet potatoes, green beans
  • Fruit: cuties, apples, and bananas 
  • Fats: Avocados, olive oils, olives
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, pecans
I write this email in hopes to encourage you that tomorrow is the opportunity to experience something new!  I'm not as prepared as I'd like to be...but I am motivated &  100% ready to conquer this challenge!  I hope that you guys are ready to soldier through the next 30 days with me and allow the positive benefits to begin!  Tomorrow I plan to "weigh in" and I won't weigh again until February 2.  I'm going to track that as one possible way for success.  I will judge the other success based on how I'm feeling.  I encourage you to choose a way that you can measure your own success! :)

Over the next 30 days I commit to sending out at least 1-2 emails of encouragement and references to resources weekly.  I created a blog to serve as a forum for us also.  I'll add some other commentary there based on my experience and you'll notice that the emails I send will appear on the blog as well.  If you have questions or suggestions you can post it there or the other option is always to email me.  :)  The blog is:


So here we go!  The countdown to Whole30 and better health begins in...


Let's go!!!!!!!!!



  1. Ok! I'm going to try this again. I was having difficulties posting a comment, so here goes....
    Currently I'm having post holiday carb withdrawal :) To combat the sweet cravings I made myself a smoothie with frozen berries, coconut milk, and unsweetened dark cocoa powder.
    In the past having been on nutrition plans with no cheat meals, no alcohol, etc for up to 3 months, I think I am better off allowing myself 1 "splurge" meal a week to indulge in any cravings I am having. Even though it's technically against the rules, I plan on doing so this month. I think this will make me more likely to continue the changes I've made after the month is over rather than go on an all out binge on the foods I have restricted myself from. Trying to find that "balaced" state of mind is everything!
    Good Luck to all!

  2. That sounds so yummy! I am having a sweet craving tonight - i mashed up a banana (1/2 of one), put some PB in it, and added a few raisins and unsweetened coconut flakes. I MUST PURCHASE LARABARS. haha!

    Please keep us updated on your success throughout the challenge! :) I am rooting for you! :)
