Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Whole 30: Preparing for the Weekend

Hello everyone!

How are you being successful at Whole30?  I imagine that everyone is doing very well and meeting their goal(s) as we go throughout this journey.  I also think we are learning more about ourselves and what is keeping us from feeling 100% successful.  One possible way way to increase our chances of success is to focus on our schedule.  With the weekend quickly approaching, that means our routine usually changes.  Our schedules have less structure so that means we have more time to cook, work out, clean the house, etc... right?  If you're like me, the answer is no!  I find that the weekend is bombarded with a million and one things to do.  Here are some ideas to help use the weekend to prepare for your week.  Ideally, you'd carve out at least 1-2 hours (I'm talking about 4-5% of one day) to dedicate to your success!  If you cannot dedicate a full hour (even split up throughout the day), I encourage you to find at least 10-15 minutes to commit to you!  You are worth it! : )

Weekend Ideas:
  • Clean out the fridge / pantry
  • Wash any storage containers
  • Plan meals
  • Find coupons for any meals (grocery or dining out)
  • Grocery Shop
  • Prep meals, like cutting onions and garlic you'll use this week
  • Look up the menu of the restaurant you plan to go to this week with a buddy to see your options
  • Cook meals ahead (if this works for you)
  • Plan a nice Whole30 home cooked meal on one of these nights: save a recipe you want to try on one these nights.
If the weekend is not the ideal time to get ready for the week, pick any day!  We're flexible here.  This day is for you!  So make it fun, relaxing, and Whole30!  For me personally, I like to plan out my meals, grocery shop, and figure out how much prep I'll have to do throughout the week on Saturday/Sunday.  Since I am incorporating new items into my diet, I feel like every trip to the grocery store is a scavenger hunt and I must read every food label.  I factor in about 10 minutes extra at the grocery so I continue to have a positive experience with Whole30.  The idea is that you can find ways to continue creating a positive relationship with this lifestyle.  Find what works for you!

Blog Updates
Check out the blog for recipes, resources, and other postings by yours truly.  If you have a recipe, don't hold back!  Share it!  Our very own sidekick, Skinny Buff, shared hers.  You'll see a link to her blog too so check it out! :)  Recipes now posted include: 
  • Crab Cakes (with a link to Mayo)
  • Tomato Soup
  • Shrimp Wrap with Sauce
  • Skinny Buff's Sweet Tooth Fix
Visit and look for the recipe tab at the top of the page. 

Keep up the great work, guys!  To Whole30 and beyond! :)


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