Monday, January 14, 2013

Whole 30: Eating Mindfully

Hey everyone!
Happy Monday to each of you. :)  I have to admit that I am starting to become extremely fond of whole30.  Once I get used to being in the kitchen and washing dishes more I am sure to love it even more! :)

Eating Mindfully
We've discussed preparing for the weekend and motivations.  This week, I'd like us to focus on eating mindfully.  I was conversing with a friend about eating dinner with our besties: electronics.  Restaurants have picked up how much it is in our culture that they market their experience with their quality TVs, entertainment, and great food.  Next time you're out, notice the music, number of TVs, and how many people are texting/talking on their phones when they're with other people.

For me, it has become a habit to have electronics in tow while eating meals; I am a perfect example because at breakfast I catch up on email, during lunch I eat while looking up stuff online, and at dinner I rotate eating at the table and on the couch to tune in for a show.  (The real entertainment at our place is fending off our puppy from stealing our food at either area.) While my friend and I were talking she said, "We eat our dinner in like 7 minutes."  Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you spend preparing a meal and it's gone in 7 minutes?  Don't you want to enjoy it for each of those minutes down to the last whole30 goodness?  

You're probably thinking, "She wants me to give up my everyday foods AND now this while I'm eating."  No, not entirely.  Here are some ways to compromise eating mindfully with others:

For 7 minutes:
  • Incorporate a "no electronics zone" or "electronic free zone" at the table.  
  • If taking the TV out of the equation is too much, only watch rerun shows that don't peak your interest.
  • Alternate how you eat dinner, with or without electronics.
  • Plan a special meal for the family, add some ambiance with candles.  
  • During work hours, schedule time into your day on breaks to get your "to do list" conquered.  
With kids and significant others, compromising can be difficult.  If it doesn't go as planned the first time, repetition makes a habit... Don't give up!  Find what works for you and your family, and stick to it!  

Whole 30 Guide 
I realized that going through the first week was tough because I didn't have a go-to sheet for reference.  I've created a google doc with ideas on how to build a meal with protein, fat, veggies/fruit, suggested serving sizes, foods to avoid during the 30 days and alternatives for those foods. This is based on my interpretation of It Starts with Food.  You can view the document here

Cheers to another week of whole30!

Amanda :)

Check out the blog here!!

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