Saturday, February 2, 2013

Congrats! &...craving conversation continued!

Hey everyone!
For some of us, today ends the whole 30 challenge! I thought I would spend part of this email talking about next steps after whole 30. According to It Starts With Food, these are the steps you'll want to take: 

Day 1: reintroduce and evaluate dairy products 
Day 4: reintroduce and evaluate gluten-containing grains.
Day 7: reintroduce and evaluate non-gluten grains. 
Day 10: reintroduce and evaluate legumes. 

They also suggest paying attention to how you feel for a few days after introducing the items. 

Congrats everyone on all of your success with whole 30!!!*
*image provided by artist digitalart. 

Craving conversation continued...
Overcome the cravings
  • Think the craving through the entire process. How you feel before, during, and after the craving. Be mindful of each moment. 
  • Eat a few bites - the first few are the most rewarding and enjoyable. So cut back the portion size. 
  • If the craving is caused by a trigger - look to control the environment.  By keeping the cravings out of your comfort zone of home it will create more work for you and decrease the opportunity!
  • Change the reward system - avoid using food as a reward or comfort. 
  • Go for a walk to also get a hit of the happy hormones. 
  • Drink some water or flavored coffee/tea. 
  • Stay on top of hunger to prevent compromising your efforts because you're "hangry." (Hangry - hungry/angry). 
  • Identify the environment and the craving associated with it... When I am at ____ I want to eat _____.  Replace it with a healthier option that you're excited about eating!!!!
Craving swaps - try these! 
  • Sweet - fruit, fruit + sunbutter or almond butter (apple / banana with cinnamon sprinkled on top), avocado, Larabars (stick to ones without chocolate and peanuts), coconut date bars
  • Salty - nuts, seeds (try roasted sunflower seeds), olives, avocado with Cajun seasoning, plantain chips, veggies w dreamy avocado dressing (from book), spiced nuts and seeds
  • Sweet and salty - trail mix with dried fruit, bacon wrapped dates, baked sweet potato fries, figs and prosciutto 
1) If you haven't taken the survey- click here! I am revealing the answers in the next post!:)
2) regardless of your start/end date, refer back to your log to see what you craved and incorporate a whole30 option! 
3) Share how you overcome your cravings!!:)

Cheers to another day of whole 30!!