Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome to the Whole30 Challenge!

Hello everyone! 
For those of you who are on the email distribution list, this information has previously been sent to you. :)

Welcome to the Whole30 challenge!  I created this email distribution list/blog because we are all interested in Whole30... and can support each other. The timing of this challenge coincidentally falls around the time of New Years Resolutions.  If you know me, I do not make resolutions for the simple fact that I forget them by February.  With that said, if this is YOUR resolution, I'm glad you're here. :)

About the Challenge
Here is their 60 second description of whole 30:

Whole9′s Nutrition in 60 Seconds
We eat real food – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, healthy oils, nuts and seeds. We choose foods that were raised, fed and grown naturally, and foods that are nutrient-dense, with lots of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.
This is not a “diet” – we eat as much as we need to maintain strength, energy, activity levels and a healthy body weight. We aim for well-balanced nutrition, so we eat animals and a significant amount of plants.
Eating like this has helped us to look, feel, live and perform our best, and reduces our risk for a variety of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.
Read more about our nutrition philosophy and program in our New York Times bestselling book, It Starts With Food.
If you want to read more details on what the challenge entails, please visit:  It will give you the complete guide and recommendations for the next 30 days.  

"Rules" for the challenge
The only "rules" I have per say are the following:
  • Please keep any "Reply All" emails & comments positive.  We're in this together.  If you identify a challenge we can help create a solution.  I can't help but rap, "If there's a problem, yo I'll solve it, check out the hook while my DJ revolves it...ICE ICE BABY"  (Rob, I know you're rolling your eyes at this and secretly wanting to laugh.  haha!)
  • Practice Positive Self-Talk, it's not really a "rule" but hey, while we're trying to change 20+ years of behavior over 30 days, there is bound to be some type of negative thinking when we're faced with our vice: ______.  I'll let you fill in the blank. :)  Positive self-talk is very helpful when we slip up and need to get back on track.  No point in dwelling... say something positive, develop a plan, and get back on track. :)  We will talk about this in more detail in a future email/blog post.
Support & Resources
Please reach out to me for any questions you may have.  Between their website and the book I can probably hunt down the answers.  While this is my first whole30 rodeo, I promise to help as much as I possibly can. I read the entire book It Starts With Food, yes all of it, within the last week.  Some of the content is jumbled together but I can decode pretty easily. :)  Lastly, I will not be micromanaging your food, food log, or following you around the grocery store to make sure you are following this to the "t."  This challenge is meant to be fun and encouraging!  If you find something that helps you please share it with us!  

Website: Additionally, check out the budget grocery list (if you're like me and ballin' on a budget!); Recipes:
Phone App: myKitchen (recipes for iphone Warning: Not all recipes are whole30 approved)
Books: It Starts With Food, Paleo Solution
Podcasts: Paleo Solution (Rob Wolf)

While I am committing to Whole30 for all meals from Jan 2-Feb 2, I encourage each of you to find what will work best for you and to what degree you feel comfortable with making change.  Take what I write as encouragement and make it relevant to your goals.   

One last thought, if there is someone you know that would like to be added to this list, please feel free to email me their information.  Unless I'm hacked by some ninjas, I don't intend to send anything outside of the Whole30 emails. :)

Cheers to making food be our medicine!!  
